Aurora Changemaker Spotlight: Mark Dixson

On Sundays, you can find one of the only prostate cancer support groups in the state sitting down to talk via Zoom. Mark Dixson encountered the group “Us TOO” in 2021 after he’d won his battle with prostate cancer. Now, he’s an active member with one big piece of advice for men beginning the same journey: “Don’t be like Mark.” Early detection can change the prognosis of prostate cancer drastically.

While it’s a slow-growing cancer, it is no less dangerous.

It’s recommended to begin screening for prostate cancer at age 50 for most men, which can be done through a simple and minimally-invasive blood test. “If we caught it earlier, it just would have been surgery,” Dixson explained, reflecting on his treatment. “But because we caught it later, we also had to go through radiation and hormone treatment.” Dixson lives in Soldotna, not far from Peninsula Radiation Oncology Center, an Aurora Integrated Oncology Foundation clinic. He became involved with the network of clinics while receiving his radiation treatment. Today, he serves as the Kenai Peninsula representative on the foundation’s board of directors. He brings a unique perspective as a cancer survivor and patient advocate. Through his work at the Alaska Men’s Run, he’s working to educate men across Alaska about the importance of prostate health and cancer treatment in Alaska. The Alaska Men’s Run is more than a race –– it’s an organization dedicated to education, awareness and support for prostate cancer patients.

The annual race is the organization’s only fundraising drive, open to all runners — not just men. The proceeds will directly benefit prostate cancer patients, supporting programing like weekly support groups and patient relief funds. This year, the race falls on Sept. 21.

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

This month, show your support for prostate cancer patients and survivors by joining Dixson and others at this year’s Alaska Men’s Run. Mark Dixson is the featured partner for this month’s Aurora Changemaker Spotlight. You can learn more about his work with the Alaska Men’s Run at its website:

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