Michele Brown

About Michele Brown
Michele Brown is a longtime nonprofit leader and Alaska resident. She served as president and CEO of the United Way of Anchorage for 17 years before retiring in 2020. Brown led United Way in an innovative role of both fundraiser and collaborator with dozens of partners across the spectrum of nonprofit work through its annual workplace community campaign and other programs.
Brown is a member of the Anchorage ATHENA society, inducted in 2014 and a recipient of the University of Alaska Anchorage Meritorious Service Award. Brown served as commissioner for the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation for six years, leading over 500 employees in state environment and environmental health programs. Most recently, she served as the senior fellow for the Rasmuson Foundation, leading housing and homelessness initiatives. Brown received an undergraduate from the University of California, Berkeley in philosophy, as well as a Juris Doctor from the University of California Davis.
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